4 Quotes & Sayings By Robbie Coltrane

Robbie Coltrane has been an award-winning journalist and editor for more than 25 years. His writing has appeared in the "Los Angeles Times," the "Chicago Tribune," the "Boston Globe," and the "Wall Street Journal." He is also a contributor to "The New York Times" and the author of seven nonfiction books.

The person who comes up to you and makes the most noise and is the most intrusive is invariably the person in the room who has no respect for you at all, and it's really all about them. Robbie Coltrane
Believe me, my children have more stamina than a power station. Robbie Coltrane
See, what you're meant to do when you have a mid-life crisis is buy a fast car, aren't you? Well, I've always had fast cars. It's not that. It's the fear that you're past your best. It's the fear that the stuff you've done in the past is your best work. Robbie Coltrane